Annual meeting of CCRM members, 16 -17 September 2021

Lebanon hosted the annual meeting of CCRM members on September 16 and 17, 2021 CCRM new interim board was elected (5 members for one year) and new strategies for future interventions were agreed upon, استضاف لبنان الاجتماع السنوي لأعضاء المركز عبر الإقليمي للاجئين والمهاجرين CCRM في 16 و17 أيلول  وقد تم انتخاب مجلس إدارة مؤقت […]

Online Consultation

CCRM held a regional online consultation on 16-17.02.2021 in preparation for the International Conference on Migration. Civil society, trade-unions and the media shared and exchanged their ideas and experiences about labour migration, trafficking in persons, migrant smuggling, access to services, data and international cooperation, and the application of international standards which was used as CCRM’s […]

CCRM organizes the Middle East and North Africa civil society consultation on the Global Compact on Migration

On the 24-25 of August 2017, Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa met in Beirut to discuss the Global Compact on Migration, which is the first governmental agreement on migration which will be negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations. The consultation was organized by CCRM and attended by 45 representatives […]


CCRM members met in a two- day conference on the 24 and 25th of July in Beirut Lebanon. The meeting was attended by 15 participants representing 10 organizations in 6 countries. The meeting was held at a very critical time, as the world has been actively engaged in preparations ahead of the Global Compact on […]